Home Workouts for Men – A Complete Knowhow

Home Workouts for Men – A Complete Knowhow

Who says you need to join expensive gyms in order to achieve a healthy, muscular and fit body? Some simple home workouts can provide you that attractive figure that you dream. In this article we provide you some workout ideas for Home Workouts for Men that you can follow in your home at your convenience. 

Push Up

This is the best exercise for your whole body. Beginners can start with 15-20 push ups a day while with time you can extend it up to 70-100 per day.

Steps to follow: Stretch your body on the floor keeping your back up. Keep your elbows bent in angle of 90 degree with your body so that your head to toe forms a straight line parallel to the floor. Now lift the body weight on your arms for as many times as you can.

Cross Crunches

This one is quite easy yet the most effective for your abs and muscle joints. It will also help to strengthen your abdominal muscle. 

Steps to follow: Lie straight on the floor. Keep your arms beneath your head. Now start to rise from the lying position while trying to touch your left elbow with your right knee. Then again go back to your initial position and touch your right elbow to your left knee. 

Side Plank

It will strengthen your oblique muscle. But this exercise requires some practice to be perfect. 

Steps to follow: Stretch one forearm underneath your shoulder while another forearm will rise straight upwards. Place your feet together. Now try to lift your hip sideways keeping the pressure on one arm on the ground and the joined feet. Your body will form a sideways straight line from head to feet. Hold this position for a minute or two and then repeat to the other side. 

High Knees

This exercise is helpful to strengthen inner thigh and outer hip area. It will also help to reduce belly fat too.

Steps to follow: Stand straight. Now raise one knee to your belly level and clasp it tightly with two hands while standing firmly on another feet. Repeat with another leg also. 

Jumping Jack

This exercise enhances your stamina and physical prowess because all of your body parts are involved in it. 

Steps to follow: Stand straight with your feet together and arms on two sides. Now jump with your leg wide open on the sideways while arms go above your head. Instantly jump again to come back to the initial position. Repeat the same movement a few times in a fast pace.

A Word of Advice

Don’t rush through your exercise schedule. Start off in a little pace and gradually enhance your skill. For instance beginners may start with 20 push up and then gradually increase number. But if you start with 100 push ups a day, chances of fatigue or even serious physical damage increases.

If you have any illness then it’s preferable to consult your physician about the suitable exercises for your health condition. 

All of these free hand exercises are extremely beneficial for your health and figure. But bear in mind that workout does not drastically reduces your weight. So keep patience. It will take time but surely help you in the long run.


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